// ace-admin.js var aceAdmin = aceAdmin || {}; (function ($) { aceAdmin = { store:{}, init:function () { } }; var $this = aceAdmin; $this.init = function () { }; $this.uniqId = function () { return 'id-' + new Date().valueOf() + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000); } $this.progressOn = function (element, progressClass) { element = $(element); if (!element.data('adm-progress-store')) { element.data('adm-progress-store', element.html()); } element.css('width', element.outerWidth()); //element.css('height', element.outerHeight()); if (!progressClass) progressClass = 'adm-progress'; element.html(''); } $this.progressOff = function (element) { element = $(element); element.find('i.adm-progress').remove(); if (element.data('adm-progress-store')) element.html(element.data('adm-progress-store')); } $this.plugin = { turn:function (pluginId, action) { var url = aRouter['admin'] + 'plugins/?plugin=' + pluginId + '&action=' + action + '&security_ls_key=' + LIVESTREET_SECURITY_KEY; document.location = url; }, turnOn:function (pluginId) { return $this.plugin.turn(pluginId, 'activate'); }, turnOff:function (pluginId) { return $this.plugin.turn(pluginId, 'deactivate'); } } $this.popoverExt = function (element, options) { options = $.extend({ attr:{ }, css:{ }, events:{ } }, options); if (!options.attr.id) options.attr.id = aceAdmin.uniqId(); element = $(element); element.popover(options); element.data('popoverOptions', options); var popover = element.data('popover'); var popoverElement = $(popover.tip()); if (options.attr) { $.each(options.attr, function (key, value) { switch (key) { case 'class': popoverElement.addClass(value); break; default: popoverElement.prop(key, value); } }); } if (options.css) { $.each(options.css, function (key, value) { popoverElement.css(key, value); }); } $.each(options.events, function (key, func) { $(element).on(key, function (e) { func.apply(this, [e]); }); }); if (popover.getTitle() === false) { popoverElement.find('.popover-title').css({display:'none'}); } return popoverElement; } // указательные окна $this.pointup = function (element, options) { options = $.extend({ trigger:'manual', placement:'top', onCancel:function (e, popover) { // nothing }, onConfirm:function (e, popover) { // nothing } }, options); if (!options.attr.id) options.attr.id = aceAdmin.uniqId(); element = $(element); var popoverElement = aceAdmin.popoverExt(element, options); $(document).on('click', '#' + options.attr.id + ".popover .confirm", {source:element}, function (e) { var opt = element.data('popoverOptions'); if (opt.onConfirm) opt.onConfirm(e, $('#' + opt.attr.id)); element.popover('hide'); }); $(document).on('click', '#' + options.attr.id + ".popover .cancel", {source:element}, function (e) { var opt = element.data('popoverOptions'); if (opt.onCancel) opt.onCancel(e, $('#' + opt.attr.id)); element.popover('hide'); }); return popoverElement; } $this.getPopover = function (element) { var popover = element.data('popover'); if (popover) { var popoverElement = $(popover.tip()); return popoverElement; } } $this.isEmpty = function (mixedVar) { return ((typeof mixedVar == 'undefined') || (mixedVar === null)); } })(jQuery); $(function () { aceAdmin.init(); }); !function ($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; $.fn.isVisible = function () { var element = $(this); return (element.css('display') != 'none' && element.parent().length); } }(window.jQuery); !function ($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; $.fn.setPopover = function (options) { return aceAdmin.popoverExt(this, options); } }(window.jQuery); !function ($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; $.fn.getPopover = function () { return aceAdmin.getPopover(this); } }(window.jQuery); !function ($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; $.fn.pointup = function (options) { return $.fn.popover(options) } }(window.jQuery); !function ($) { "use strict"; // jshint ;_; $.fn.progressOn = function () { return aceAdmin.progressOn(this); } $.fn.progressOff = function () { return aceAdmin.progressOff(this); } }(window.jQuery); aceAdmin.vote = function (type, idTarget, value, viewElements, funcDone) { var options = { classes_action:{ voted:'voted', plus:'plus', minus:'minus', positive:'positive', negative:'negative', quest:'quest' }, classes_element:{ voting:'voting', count:'count', total:'total', plus:'plus', minus:'minus' } } var typeVote = { user:{ url:'admin/vote/user/', targetName:'idUser' } } var voteResult = function (result) { if (!result) { ls.msg.error('Error', 'Please try again later'); } if (result.bStateError) { ls.msg.error(result.sMsgTitle, result.sMsg); } else { if (viewElements.skill) { $(viewElements.skill).text(result.iSkill); if (type == 'user' && $('user_skill_' + idTarget)) { $('#user_skill_' + idTarget).text(result.iSkill); } } if (viewElements['rating']) { var view = $(viewElements['rating']); result.iRating = parseFloat(result.iRating); if (result.iRating > 0) { result.iRating = '+' + result.iRating; } else if (result.iRating == 0) { result.iRating = '0'; } view.removeClass(options.classes_action.negative) .removeClass(options.classes_action.positive) .text(result.iRating); if (result.iRating < 0) { view.addClass(options.classes_action.negative) } else { view.addClass(options.classes_action.positive) } } if (viewElements['voteCount']) { $(viewElements.voteCount).text(result.iCountVote); } ls.msg.notice(result.sMsgTitle, result.sMsg); } if (funcDone) funcDone(); } // do var $this = this; if (!typeVote[type]) { return false; } $this.idTarget = idTarget; $this.value = value; $this.type = type; var params = {}, more; params['value'] = value; params[typeVote[type].targetName] = idTarget; ls.ajax(typeVote[type].url, params, function (result) { if (!result) { ls.msg.error('Error', 'Please try again later'); } if (result.bStateError) { ls.msg.error(result.sMsgTitle || 'Error', result.sMsg || 'Please try again later'); } else { voteResult(result, $this); } }, more); } aceAdmin.selectAllRows = function (element, func) { var table = $(element).parents('table').first(); if ($(element).prop('checked')) { $(table).find('tr.selectable td.checkbox input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true); $(table).find('tr.selectable').addClass('info'); } else { $(table).find('tr.selectable td.checkbox input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false); $(table).find('tr.selectable').removeClass('info'); } if (func) func(element); } aceAdmin.inputFileStyle = function (id) { if (aceAdmin.isEmpty(id)) id = $('input.input-file'); else id = $(id); id.each(function () { var inputFile = $(this); var wrapper = inputFile.css('opacity', 0) .wrap($('
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for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) { var entry = lines[i]; //Append next line also since it has the file info if (lines[i + 1]) { entry += " at " + lines[i + 1]; i++; } callstack.push(entry); } } //Remove call to printStackTrace() callstack.shift(); isCallstackPopulated = true; } } if (!isCallstackPopulated) { //IE and Safari var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller; while (currentFunction) { var fn = currentFunction.toString(); //If we can't get the function name set to "anonymous" var fname = fn.substring(fn.indexOf("function") + 8, fn.indexOf("(")) || "anonymous"; callstack.push(fname); currentFunction = currentFunction.caller; } } return callstack; } // IE8 плохо воспринимает 'delete' aceAdmin.blog = { del:function (msg, name, blog_id) { if (name) msg = msg.replace('%%blog%%', name); if (confirm(msg)) { var url = DIR_WEB_ROOT + '/admin/blogs/delete/?blog_id=' + blog_id + '&security_ls_key=' + LIVESTREET_SECURITY_KEY; document.location.href = url; return true; } return false; } } if (!aceAdmin.topic) aceAdmin.topic = {}; aceAdmin.topic = { del:function (msg, name, topic_id) { if (name) msg = msg.replace('%%topic%%', name); if (confirm(msg)) { var url = DIR_WEB_ROOT + '/admin/topics/delete/?topic_id=' + topic_id + '&security_ls_key=' + LIVESTREET_SECURITY_KEY; document.location.href = url; return true; } return false; } } aceAdmin.nativeUiCompatible = function () { // Автокомплит ls.autocomplete.add($(".autocomplete-tags-sep"), aRouter['ajax'] + 'autocompleter/tag/', true); ls.autocomplete.add($(".autocomplete-tags"), aRouter['ajax'] + 'autocompleter/tag/', false); ls.autocomplete.add($(".autocomplete-users-sep"), aRouter['ajax'] + 'autocompleter/user/', true); ls.autocomplete.add($(".autocomplete-users"), aRouter['ajax'] + 'autocompleter/user/', false); // Всплывающие окна $('#window_upload_img').jqm(); $('#userfield_form').jqm({toTop:true}); /* $('#window_login_form').jqm(); $('#blog_delete_form').jqm({trigger: '#blog_delete_show'}); 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// EOF